** My journey with books cannot proceed without the company of other readers. Its an unsaid, unclaimed family that we are all part of. Its simply beautiful to know how other people feel about books and it can't get any better than when they share their journeys with you. So I am taking on this new venture of knowing the people/readers who inspire me by letting them take me through their own worlds of books and the art of reading. Its the most joyous event I've been a part of. Here is my very first reader in all her simplicity and wonder, recounting her memories and happy times with the books that have inspired and formed her being.**
The art of reading is
silence; it is the art of taking a moment with yourself.
Readers Name: Nishi Shroff
Obsession: Steaming hot cups of coffee, Dance,
Music, Muffins, Cookies and Quotes by Sri Sri.
Question 1: How did
your journey with books begin?
It started with the Library Period at School. I
began with Knights of The Round Table, as I grew older I started picking the
thickest novels, mostly classics, because I wanted to improve. But my interest
in reading developed when I read ‘Pride and Prejudice’. I was too small to
understand most of the words, so I sat with a dictionary and after every few
sentences I’d be looking for meanings. It was frustrating, but I wanted to read
the book so badly that I didn’t care. It is still my favourite and it’s the
only book I’ve read more than once.
The Harry Potter series had me hooked. It’s
fantasy, but it has been my place of escape from the drudgery of the mundane
and the problems you face growing up.
Question 2: Who
according to you is a reader?
When the written word, a phrase or a sentence,
strikes a chord with you, you automatically become a reader, it doesn’t matter
what you read.
Question3: What is it
that you love about books?
They contain the
universe in them. There’s inspiration, there’s hope and sometimes there’s that
vacation you want to take from the people you interact with. A book is romance,
sometimes it’s a forbidden affair and sometimes it’s your best friend, it makes
you experience feelings you never knew, it helps you uncover elements of your
own personality.
Question 4: How would
you define the art of reading?
Question 5: One
reader that inspires you and why?
No reader inspires
me, people inspire me, birds inspire me, the weather inspires me, words inspire
me - oxygen inspires me; but not a reader, because reading is so personal that
taking advice on it is like asking someone whether you bathe correctly.
Question 6: What
according to you is the connection between words and images?
An experience, that
it captures an experience.
Question 7: Do you
like visiting libraries/bookstores? If so, what is it about a library that
would make you feel at home?
Bookstores. I like
getting lost in them, feels like no one can find me and there’s nowhere to go
and no one to know. All I need is the serenity of music, the cool air, the
smell of coffee and the time to discover messages hidden inside hardcovers I
don’t know as yet. And these books are safe to know, I can start where I want
and leave when I like, and if I get hooked, it’s just a book.
Question 8: Have you
ever stumbled upon an unknown book store? How was the feeling?
Yes, it feels like I
have discovered a new haunt, so I explore every inch of it as soon as I can.
Question 9: Books
come unexpectedly and very beautifully in our lives. There are moments when
they come least expected. Have you experienced this? If so, which book made you
Yes all the time. I
hate looking for a book to read, that’s why these days I barely read. I’m very
selective, so I haven’t read much. For me it was Pride
and Prejudice, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, The Alchemist and My
Sister’s Keeper.
Question 10: Have you
ever faced a readers’ block?
I think I’ve been
facing one for about two or three years now.
Question 11: If you
were to write your own book journal what would you name it and why?
I always have these
crazy names pop up, but today I can’t think of any.
Question 12: One
library around the globe that you would like to visit?
Question 13: A
bookstore you would want to recommend:
Question 14: The
current quote in your mind right now:
Blank, blank, blank,
but this is my favourite:
“I dreamed I was a butterfly,
flitting around in the sky; then I awoke.
Now I wonder: Am I a man who
dreamt of being a butterfly,
Or am I a butterfly dreaming
that I am a man?”
– Chuang Tzu
Question 15: Books v/s E-books: your pick?
BOOKS, I like holding them
and I love the feeling of placing bookmarks in them, and I love the smell of
the pages of a really good book.
Question 16: The
current read on your bedside table:
Not on the table, but
in my bag (all the time) – EATS, SHOOTS & LEAVES by Lynne Truss; hilarious
book about punctuation.
Question 17: Define
your version of an ideal reading experience:
An ideal reading
experience is to have some time on your own, at a place that offers a relaxing
ambience and allows you the freedom to look up from the pages and wonder about
life and how beautiful the day really is.
Question 18: 3 favorite authors:
No favourites, I
could name some but that’d just be pretentious. I think everyone manages that
one fantastic book and barely anyone is second time lucky.
Question 19: 3
favorite books:
artistic sensibility)
Question 20: Any
wish-list reads?
None. With books (as
it is with people) – I know it when I see it.
** Thank You Nishi Shroff -- You've just enlightened me today! :) **
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