Monday, September 3, 2012


Words to Silence -

Books are my gateways to the center of the world. To the center of myself.
I touch the loftiest heights of human emotions and touch the green ground softly parachuting my way all along through the alleys of letter, syllables ... words.
I finally found my way of reading, walking slowly, each step, word by word into the story, settling down there with a blanket and a quite anonymous rhythm.
Books are changing my time. They are creating my vision. They are changing me.
I whisper all the way into their words and the replies are filled with comfort and wisdom.
I lie down with then unable to think for a while after their words seep into me.
Now only silence remains. And the endless rustle of pages.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Wordless Travels

I like to read every single word, every single sentence and halt at the full stop to conjure the complete compact image of all that is in the sentence, take a deep breath and then move on. I like the feel of paper as I turn the pages one by one, slowly, very slowly, carefully, not missing out on any opportunity of sniffing the book more often as I proceed. There is a lifetime of desire there, of words stored and conjured up at that precise moment of magic. I fill them in through my lungs pause and fill more. As my eyes travel through the vacancies of the imagination, I halt to make a previous picture more colorful, dull down another previous one if I find it too bright, and wait for the burst of an unexpected one hiding in the corner waiting to surprise me.
I am slow. I savor words. I feel them on the tip of my tongue, let them travel through my windpipe to settle down into the abyss of my stomach and take a deep breath in to start all over again. There is no pattern to my reading, just a slow simmering of all the sighs and wallows of contentment that seem to fill my every pore as I secure more worlds. Mine is a world of flowers, thorns, dried leaves, dew, twigs and walked over grass.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Reading In Sips and Swallows

For a reader to get truly inspired, he/she should be fascinated by their personal journeys. Every reader has a mood, a path, a curve, or probably infinite other way worldly feelings that mark their own anonymous footprints in the shadowy lanes of books. You do not have to be a book lover to be a reader, you just have to trust the magic of words to place you somewhere beyond your own knowing. To lead you somewhere in those grooves of unexplored understanding. Over the past 2 days, I've flitted away through my reading, not really having the time to read for hours, I have read in those spaces which time has afforded me, those snatches of peace with my book. It could range from moving around on the telephone and glimpsing through a few lines, waiting for a text message and getting lost through the book, glancing down with weary eyes already drooped with sleep and finding a new sense of ease and perfection of flawed being. Those few minutes make up for the further empty hours. That snip of the story hangs there, waiting patiently above by bed for me to arrive so that we can continue our combined journey.

"You cannot pretend to read a book. Your eyes will give you away. So will your breathing. A person entranced by a book simply forgets to breathe... "

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Current Read 2: Neil Flambe and The Marco Polo Murders by Kevin Sylvester

My Current Favorite Poem :)

Current Read 1: The Shipping News by Annie Proulx

Blog of the Week:1

I've decided that every worthy reader who shares his world with other readers deserves all the promotion I can give him/her in my own way. So every week I have decided to post at least 3 such wonderful journeys of such readers that inspire me to read more.

The first one today has been an unexpected stumble-upon blog which I've seriously loved exploring. I feel every awesome blog should be delved and revered through a complete archive wandering. I'm still going through this one but it has given me some of the best words of wisdom and some of the cutest book images. Check this blog out, whose writer is a 14year old and a fabulous reader at that. :)

Blog Name: Books and Ghosts
Blog Link: